
I’m amazed that anyone links to this blog.  Linking here is saying, “Hey, world, I like this little place on the WWW called Shlog and I think you should check it out” or it’s just saying, “Hey, Shaun, link back to me.” Either way, amazing.

Today I discovered that a little site called The Firebrand Blog is linking to me.  The stuff they write about there has very little if anything to do with me.  The other folks in the blogroll are way cooler than me, and again have little or nothing in common with me: A Comic book, DVD, Movie and Television news site?  A news site about Apple? A technology arts site?  Huh…what?

And it’s well-written, clever, funny even.  Again, what’s any of this have to do with me?

Then I found it.  One of the brains behind The Firebrand Blog?  A guy who came to IKON (Remember IKON? Ages ago.) – not just a guy, actually, a very talented film maker guy who moved away from the land of biscuit and sweet tea and out to the Left Coast a couple years ago: Michael Nease.

It all makes sense now.  And what do we bloggers learn from this?  Four steps to increasing linkage to one’s blog: 1)Pastor a church, or lead bible study or just go to church, or just hang out with a large group of people. 2)Befriend younger people within this church/bible study/large group of people who are too naive to realize just how uncool you actually are or too kind to point it out and ostracize you for it. 3)Encourage said naive/kind young people to explore the world wide web and perhaps even contribute to it, and to read your blog 4)Pray for linkage.

Seriously, thanks for the linkage, Michael.  Everybody else, check out his site, learn a little about the entertainment biz from an up-and-comer and throw him some work if you’ve got it.